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Public utility steel constructions

Nasza produkcja konstrukcji stalowych to nie tylko przemysł i sektor prywatny. Znaczny udział  wytwórni konstrukcji stalowych to inwestycje publiczne ( stalowa hala sportowa i inne obiekty sportowe, centra komunikacji, mosty, obiekty kulturalne, czy budynki dla ochrony zdrowia).  Wieloletnie doświadczenie pozwoliło nam zdobyć zaufanie. Powierzono nam realizację projektów rządowych i samorządowych, gdzie jakość i terminować odgrywają kluczową rolą.

We have become proven partners for many cities, communes and counties. Our steel structures fit perfectly into public spaces.

Stalowa hala sportowa do gry w koszykówkę

Wytwarzamy i montujemy konstrukcje stalowe dla różnych obiektów użyteczności publicznej

  1. Integrated communication centers, including:
    • transport interchanges;
    • bus depots;
    • bus bays.
  2. Sports facilities:
    • swimming pools;
    • steel sports hall (including the design of the sports hall);
    • stadiums;
    • exhibition halls;
    • skating rinks.
  3. Airport passenger terminals;
  4. Bridges, overpasses for pedestrians;
  5. Steel structures for hospitals;
  6. Museums;
  7. Planetarium and Exotarium buildings;
  8. High-tech buildings for sports facilities servicing equipment.

We help our clients during tenders.

Thanks to our services we easily manage with the tendering process as main contractors and subcontractors. We are able to carry out the tender process quickly and efficiently. Our company has a qualified electronic signature and Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (ePUAP), which significantly simplifies the acceptance of all documents, including SWIZ or offers.

Without any doubts we can be reported to the Investor. Our company owns all the necessary documents for the implementation of steel constructions in accordance with the required law.

Spot-On Welding employees are a qualified team with many permissions that comply with health and safety and fire protection regulations. During the works performed, we ensure the safety of people staying within the construction site. This has a significant impact, especially in the case of heavy pedestrian, bicycle or wheeled traffic.

Before signing the contract, we enable the audit of our company, both by the General Contractor and representatives of the city and commune on the part of the Investor.

At the request of our clients, we can also provide references and history of work performed.

Feel free to contact us.

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Measurement at construction site and 3D scanning


Object modeling and FEM analysis


3D visualization

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